August 2021 Newsletter
August 2nd, 2021
Redneck Modifications LLC
Already into August! Fall will be falling (badum-tss) upon us before we know it, and massive amounts of cool new stuff as well. This month we have been hard at work with paperwork mainly, which pushed back a lot of projects but it will be worth it! Lots of cool stuff in the works that aren't just products, so let's get into it!
Project Outlook
The K9 Pack is underway & I should have pictures to post soon. As our engineering folks get back from their summer break, you will see a lot more progress with the firetruck as well. The remastered packs of the Valor & RX packs should be coming down the pipe soon as well, which shortly I will be restructuring how I do packs, :eyes:.
Launch of the Community Reddit!
Since we had a lot of cool new faces come onto our team, its given us a bigger outlook on new ways to increase our reach with our community and give people different outlets to showcase their work, or products they bought from us.
You will have the ability to post your ingame screenshots of our products on our sub-reddit, and get a chance of being posted on our social media pages! We will also be exclusively picking 3 submissions each month from the sub-reddit of photos we think look the best and showcase our products in great ways, and we will be giving those 3 individuals all 50$ Store gift cards!
We look forward to seeing your submissions!
Regarding the Community Developer role.
For so long, I have been messaged endlessly about the Community Developer role and how to obtain it in our discord. I’ve decided to implement a monthly system, where during the month I will pick out up and coming or seasoned developers that I think are active & creating cool unique stuff, no matter what it is! So every month you will see new droves of people with the community developer role. I will also be going through monthly and purging any people that have become inactive in the community.
Team Changes & Updates
After legit months, we finally got the time to go thru the endless amount of applications submitted to our divisions. You should have gotten a response in your DM’s regarding your application.
You will notice we have made some design tweaks and question changes on our applications to improve efficiency and clarity of the position and the questions themself. Thank you for all of the feedback over the months to help us improve our application process!
Thanks to your endless support and growth,, we have decided to raise our base pay to $11.00 USD per hour. We will also be implementing tiers within the division for people to work toward, which of course will entail higher pay and more benefits. We will have official documentation coming out in the near future regarding these changes as well.
Current division application statuses are as followed-
Applications can be found in our #job-opprotunities channel in our discord.
Competition Results!
Our second month of our Monthly Competitions is in the books, and I have the results for both competitions!
For the purchase leaderboard, the person’s with the most purchases (total amount spent) in the month of August is-
- Wolfey Actual
- alphalonewolfi8
- zeihicz
Congratulations! I will be attempting to contact each of you soon to give you your prizes. Thank you for your unwavering support! The leaderboard has been reset for the month of August and the prizes are ready to be claimed!
For our general competition for the community, this month's competition was to submit your most realistic looking screenshot! This was another CLOSE, heated race between the top contenders but we have a tally! We even have a TIE for second place! The winners are-
- Mungo with 50 VOTES
- Limited with 32 VOTES & CloneCommando with 32 VOTES
- W A T E R with 26 VOTES
There were a ton of submissions and I cannot thank you enough for your participation! I will be contacting each of you soon to give you your prizes. The channel has been reset and the new competition is posted on the forums! First time we had a tie, pretty low chance of happening but hey, best of luck in August!
August Competition!
Our Newest Partner!
Its been a while since we have had a new partner. We have decided to partner with a Non-Profit community known as ODMD , or Officer Down Memorial Discord. These folks are dedicated to the remembrance of all fallen first responders and preserve their memories. This is a community close to my heart and i'm more than happy to partner with and help grow, and spread awareness. You can join here.
New forms of payment!
We are now accepting some new forms of payment! In addition to PayPal and major credit cards, we now accept various crypto currencies, being Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash!
Phew! That was probably our longest newsletter yet, lots of stuff and lots of new exciting things! I thank you again, for being here supporting us along the ride, its been incredible as we grow into something amazing. I will see you all next month!