January 2019 Newsletter

January 2019 Newsletter

January, 2nd, 2019
Redneck Modifications

2018 Recap

2018 was one hell of a year for me. From the discord blowing up, to the storm truck being featured on a Jeff Favignano video, boy have we stirred up things. So much has happened this year and truly changed my life, I met amazing people, made some great relationships, and have worked with lots of communities. I can't wait to see what's in store for 2019! 

2019 Kickoff

We made it, its 2019! I can't thank you guys enough for a life changing year in 2018, and it's a great honor to make vehicles for you guys!

As we kick off 2019, I’d like to thank every single customer, member, moderator, team member,  and participant in this community. We are on the brink of 100 customers, which is amazing. Id also like to thank all of my great moderators and Administration team for what they do daily to keep the cycle going. We have reached 550 members, closing in on 600 shortly, I NEVER thought we would get this far!

Discord Report

No major changes to the discord to start 2019, as the new system has been functioning pretty well. There will be a second bot added for the moderation and administration team for ease of channel cleanup, kick, bans, and other tools. 

Id also like to remind you that the #skin-commissions channel is for the Design Team ONLY to take commissions. 

Upcoming Projects

As we all know, the 2018 F150 is currently the main focus, as the base was created from scratch and now is slowly turning into an accurate LEO F150. I'd like to specifically thank BransonDuck for his mass contributions and help with the base. You can expect the completed vehicle to be released the second or third week of January. The vehicle will feature a good chunk of extras, more than the caprice, multiple skins that come with the model, a civilian version, all blue version, and red and blue version included in the purchase. 

After the F150 there is multiple things to be done. The boat was a pretty popular pick on the straw poll, that attracted over 200 votes, along with the Ram Power Wagon, & 2019 Silverado. I'll also be planning the Valor Pack, and Vision SLR pack, yes, Vision SLR Pack, featuring this bad boy.

As always, you can find all current project progress in the #works-in-progress channel in the discord.

The rest of the year

2019 is a fresh start for Redneck Modifications. Business will continue as usual, monthly newsletters, daily updates,  and I will be pumping out as much content as I can for you beautiful souls. I appreciate all the support thru 2018, and hope it will continue thru 2019. You guys have changed my life! 


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