July 2020 Newsletter
July 1st, 2020
Redneck Modifications LLC
Pandemic, Riots, more pandemic. June seems to be more of the same “world is on fire” mentality around the world. Another month of mass unemployment, but here at RNM we are slowly trudging thru until we get thru the swamp and onto the dry shore. We will not stop! With June behind us, we look forward to July, along with myself, and all the great releases and new faces and moves here at Redneck Modifications. Lets hop into it, because its a packed one!
Official announcement of new division - Engineering Division
It is my great honor to announce one of the most anticipated divisions has now been created - the Engineering Division. This division has been in the works for over a year now, awaiting the perfect candidate to serve in this position, and it has been found. The Engineering Division is keeping tried and true to the atmosphere and ideology of uniqueness here at Redneck Modifications, by creating a completely unique and unseen team that is not found anywhere else. The Engineering Division is responsible for all back end scratch modeling, from the smallest part to a whole vehicle, they do it all.
I’d like to formally introduce RoegonTV, the first official member of this Division. He has met all criteria to be apart of this team and has been hand picked. He is responsible for the creation of most of the Brush Rear end, and some other miscellaneous parts on the brush trucks that made them possible. His down to earth mentality, good morals, and beyond great skill with advanced programs such as 3DS Max and supreme understanding of the game has made him a perfect fit here at RNM. He will also be selling all of the content he creates either for projects in RNM or for fun in the newly created and highly requested #dev-parts channel. All sales on parts there will go thru him as they will be his parts. This will also expand the Development section, finally, at RNM. I cannot wait to see what Roegon Produces! Give him a warm welcome! <3
Redneck Modifications Official Merchandise Store launch
It has been talked about, it has been hinted, and it has finally come to fruition. The Redneck Merch store is REAL!
The official store link can be found at https://www.redneckmods.com/merch . If you purchase merch, be sure to post you with it on Instagram and Twitter with #redneckmodsmerch and we will repost it on the appropriate platform! This is currently just a base 15 ish items in the store that the great few people within the teams came up with and suggestions from around the community. If you would like to see a design added, put your suggestion in #merch-suggestions in the discord.
I’d like to thank everyone who was involved in the project, being @Brayden for doing all of the designs for the merch, and working his tail off to get it done for you guys! Id also like to thank @TheRealJosh and @IceTheDev for their help with designs and coordination with the whole store itself. This would not have been possible without them!
Project Outlook
With COVID still ever looming, people still out of work, projects have been harder and harder to market, but in the end we are still chugging along and as mentioned before will not stop. The fire fleet continues with the release of the Old School Brush trucks here just a few days ago, and now the New School Brush trucks which will be in Crew Cab format are starting to come together and wrap up and should have a release by the first week of the month here.
We will take a short intermission from the Fire Fleet and be starting the 2nd annual summer truck run! This truck run will include 3 trucks like usual, and will be revealed as the projects start! They will feature 2 versions each similar to the 2013 Tahoe pack, a Whelen themed version and Valor / Federal Signal themed version. 30$ each or 50$ for both versions for each truck.
Post summer truck run we will be getting into the Fire / EMS Squad units which will dip our feet into the EMS realm, which will then lead us into the compact and large ambulance’s! Bigger ambulances like internationals, freightliners, and such alike will be for 2021 project lineup.
To conclude, it was a slower month but we still had customer growth. We are approaching the 900 customer mark and 1000 customers is an ever looming record we will be aiming for this year. That will render the customer only free release as promised. We are also approaching 4000 members in the discord after just a few months of being open which is absolutely crazy! Setting standards and records is what we do here. I'm truly thankful for all of your support even in these hard times when over half of you according to the poll are completely out of work. Please stay safe during these hard times and we will get thru this together! Im looking forward to all the future releases, groundbreaking new projects, and endless fun in the coming months! Have a safe rest of your day and I will catch you next month at newsletter time!