July 2021 Newsletter
Welcome to the freedom month! July 4th means fireworks, celebrations, intoxication, and celebrating freedom! That of course, if you're american, but even if you're not, it's fun to party along! We are finally closing the first month of our brand new, automated site which has had great response so far, and getting into the HEAT of summer with some sizzling projects and exciting things in store. We don't stop working on cool stuff, ever, so lets hop into it!
Project Outlook
We are deep in the middle of summer, and projects are going to start heating up. We just finished our 13 FPIU’s and hope to get them out soon. We are also starting on the K9 Pack, which we also hope to get out this month. Post that, we have the all mighty annual summer truck run to do, which I will post more details on. After that, we still have at least one, maybe 2 fire truck sets to do, and I'm going to remaster 2 packs. Ambitious goals, but will be worth it!
Discord Changes
There has been a good bit of revisions to the discord, since our new site, we have moved a lot of the “business” to the website and the discord has become more community focused, for fellow developers, and up and coming. Of course it still serves the purpose for showing our projects, providing support to clients, and a special area for them, it's just a small bit of tweaking. Here's a list.
- Added “spice” to the categories with boom icons, to separate categories from channels and make it have more pizazz.
- Updated the #job-opportunities channel with neat buttons with links to position information, and the application for the position. Information category will be updated to suit each position accordingly.
- Added a #pet-and-animals channel to post your pets and animals!
- Removed some unnecessary channels that aren't used right now.
- Changed “Customers” to “Supporters” , something I wanted to do for a while, but just forgot.
Competition Results!
Our first month of our Monthly Competitions is in the books, and I have the results for both competitions!
For the purchase leaderboard, the person’s with the most purchases (total amount spent) in the month of June is-
- ConnorM
- Krimlex
- SanHolo
Congratulations! I will be attempting to contact each of you soon to give you your prizes. Thank you for your unwavering support! The leaderboard has been reset for the month of July and the prizes are ready to be claimed! I can tell you, June was a TIGHT race between the top 3.
For our general competition for the community, this months competition was to submit your most realistic looking screenshot! This was another CLOSE, CLOSE heated race between the top contenders but we have a tally! The winners are-
There were a ton of submissions and I cannot thank you enough for your participation! I will be contacting each of you soon to give you your prizes. The channel has been reset and the new competition is posted on the forums! Good luck for the month of July!
July Competition!
Support Team Changes & Update
One thing to note, I have given some benefits to support team members, present and future. You will be able to get a permanent 10% Discount on all products for being a part of the team, as long as you're active. Activity is checked often, I encourage you to apply! It's definitely a fun team to be a part of and now you get a cool discount!
We have also added a !thank [user] command, which allows you to thank the proper support team member, or member in general who helped you with a certain issue. You can thank someone once every hour and check how many thanks you have using the command !thankcheck .
July 4th Weekend Sale & Conclusion!
Last but not least, we will be hosting a site wide sale on all in store, Besides of course the Whelen Pack, Ambulances, and High Speed Units, until Monday, July 5th. This sale will be 15% off, applied automatically. Have a safe and happy 4th of July!