November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter

November 4th, 2019
Redneck Modifications


Well, the end of not being late on newsletters has ended, nevertheless, another month another newsletter, as we are closing in on the holiday season and the beginning of a brand new year! Some exciting things are in store for the rest of this year so lets get to it!

Project Outlook

With the completion of the Fall Truck Run in October, Next in line is the Muscle Cars, which will be released individually, similar to the truck run, and there will be 3 in total, released thru the month of November. To start, as already shown, the 2019 Mustang will be the first on the block, followed by the Challenger, and the Camaro, Years to be revealed as they are started!
There are some other pretty cool projects on the board for the rest of the year that will be revealed shortly! Stay Tuned!


A very short newsletter, but thank you for the continued support, I’m excited for the rest of the year and some pretty crazy and new stuff to come in 2020! Stay Tuned!

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