October 2021 Newsletter

October 2021 Newsletter

October 3rd, 2021

Redneck Modifications LLC


The tenth month of 2021 is here already, arguably my favorite and most busy time of the year, the fall. Hunting season is upon us but also we are getting into the holiday season and close to ringing in another year, but we aren't done here at RNM, we have a lot of cool stuff in this month's newsletter so let's dive into it! 

Major Changes to our Company Employment

If you haven't noticed, there has been some secret sauce going on lately. Firstly,  we have more clearly separated “community” team members, which whom are volunteers to help run our discord and reddit assets, but have no ties to our company operations, and “company” members, who are contractors, part, and full time employees that represent our company and are directly responsible with helping forward our product and business. These are sub roles people will have, but you can use the rule of thumb that “department” members are employed, and discord moderators and admins are our volunteer community team members.

Secondly, we added a few more departments, being the IT Department, Quality Assurance and finally Support Department.
Support Department? Wasn't that already a thing? Well yes, but we have now moved them into our company structure rather than being volunteer community members, so now, all Support Members will be Paid! You can also apply for this position now on our website.

Lastly, as I mentioned above, we moved all of our applications onto our site! This allows us to reach a lot more people, and streamline our hiring process. Don't worry, if you applied already on the Google Form, we will be checking those and getting back to you, but from this day on, all applications will be done on the site, which also allows us to open specific job positions rather than general recruitment. You can find the career’s page to apply under the About Us tab on our website or go to https://redneckmods.com/a/careers/ . Happy applying and good luck!

Also for now I hid the #job-opprotunities channel until we can get a nice embed for it, don't panic.

Brand new Review System!

One of the many lacking things in our company has been a proper review system. Before we moved most of our business operations to our website, we always felt discord review channels wouldn't be feasible, dude to organization issues and it being just one big channel of reviews. Since we moved to our new site, this opened a lot of opportunities to do awesome things, and one of those is a proper review system!

You can now go to any product that your purchased (since the site was released) and write a review for it! You can select how many stars to rate it, submit pictures of the product, and of course write about the product and your experiences with it! This will help new or current customers who are having trouble deciding if they want a product or not. Happy reviewing! 

Happy spook-tober! Here's a sale!

It's getting rather SPOOKY in here, so we decided to do a sale since we haven't done one in ages. Use code SPOOK10 for 10% off of your total order! This code is only for a limited time. Happy spook-tober! 

Project Outlook

We will be starting the Valor Pack Remastered this month , with hopes to finish it within the month! This will be the 2nd of 3 remastered we are doing to our most popular packs. You can expect to see pictures soon in the works in progress and previews channel.


Competition Results!

Our forth month of our Monthly Competitions is in the books, and I have the results for both competitions!

For the purchase leaderboard, the person’s with the most purchases (total amount spent) in the month of September  is-


  1. Braedan_XI
  2. LaptopsRulz
  3. BetterRP


Congratulations! I will be attempting to contact each of you soon to give you your prizes. Thank you for your unwavering support! The leaderboard has been reset for the month of October and the prizes are ready to be claimed!

For our general competition for the community, this month's competition was to submit your most Fall looking screenshot! This was our second competition run that we had a DEAD TIE! This time, for third place! The winners are-


  1. WildFire Gaming14 with 40 VOTES
  2. RooLAX with 28 VOTES
  3. Limited and Gene BOTH with 18 VOTES

There were a ton of submissions and I cannot thank you enough for your participation! I will be contacting each of you soon to give you your prizes. The channel has been reset and the new competition is posted on the forums!
October Competition!



Big changes this month! We will have alot more next month. Stay safe and happy and enjoy the pretty colors this fall!





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